Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The lines between this and my Mind Beam Receptaculum blog may intersect from time to time (Bare Take isn't supposed to contain things I myself have created), but I blog for myself, so no harm done. A poem by me:


I, a moon that can never reach you, but remains drawn to you through the ages.
The light that showers us both is answered by blooming in you,
But my surface is cold and void of life.
No voices to bounce echoes over this terrain.

How cruel a sentence, an Existence tethered to Sophia.
Pressed against Isis’ window, never beckoned, never to enter.

Send me to wander.
Banish me to the skies.
I pray to be the hermit and nomad in the wilderness.
Then I might find relief in the solace that is the absence of this Beautiful one.
Better to cry out into utter nothingness than to be answered by the reminder of what is forever held at an all too near distance.

Do I possess an unfeigned desire to break loose from this orbit that has captured me?
Is the anguish of ensnarement the sole sensation that can remind me I’m alive?

You, the planet which teems with life; a visible pulse in your fruits.
Your moon longs to float away into the company of shadows in the depths; into peace.

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